Sunday, January 26, 2014

Nashville Celebrations

26 January, Nashville TN.

The Grand Ole Opry was the original reason for this trip, but our visit to Nashville turned out to be much more than just that.

Some months back, while we were travelling in China we met a young American guy named Andrew, who, when he found out we were heading for Nashville, suggested that we get together while we were in town. So yesterday morning we all headed off to visit one of our favourite spots in Nashville, the Parthenon, yep, the Parthenon, a full scale replica, complete in every detail. We topped off the morning with lunch at the Cracker Barrel, a real Southern tradition. Andrew managed a plate of pancakes and another of bacon and eggs, we were more than satisfied with a sandwich. Andrew is an extremely well-informed guy and we resumed some of the debates about American politics that we commenced on that long bus trip in China.

Later in the afternoon we had a quick catch-up with a cousin of Janita’s, Cynthia, who had driven all the way to Nashville from Chicago just to meet us. Our time was short as the Opry was calling, so we arranged to meet the next day.

For those unfamiliar with the Grand Ole Opry, it is the true heart and soul of country music in the US and arguably the world. The show is broadcast live all over the USA and the world through the internet and has an audience in the tens of millions. This concert was Janita’s birthday present, and yes it was a big one! The Opry is like no other concert. People move around the stage behind the performers, the audience wander in and out to the bar, the performers chat with those in the front rows between acts - it just goes OFF! We chose the winter to come. It is when Janita’s birthday is to start with, but it is also when the Opry is held in the heritage- listed Ryman Auditorium in downtown Nashville, rather than the shopping mall-like Opry World out of town. The birthday girl had congratulations from the stage, broadcast to radio stations all over the US and on the internet.

Today we met again with Cynthia and another cousin, Lisa who lives just outside Nashville. Lisa and Cynthia’s great grandfather was Janita’s great grandfather’s brother. Cynthia has done an enormous amount of work on the family tree, way back to the family’s common roots in Scotland. All three ladies had a fantastic time looking through old photographs and comparing family likenesses across the US, Scottish and Australian branches of the family. At one point they even decided they had the same knees! Another great southern lunch topped off a fantastic day.

We are immeasurably grateful to both cousins for taking the time to come and meet us. Cynthia drove 9 hours from Chicago through some extremely bad weather. AND she has will turn around tomorrow and repeat the experience.

Footnote: There was one spot on our list that we almost forgot. Line dancing at the Wildhorse Saloon. Our last night stand in Nashville.

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